Outdoor photographer in Hampshire
As a family photographer in Southampton, I adore taking family photographs in Hampshire and surrounding counties.
Throughout the year, I hold photo days at a selection of stunning outdoor locations, including Bluebell woods, Buttercup meadow, Daisy meadow, Lavender farm, Wheat field, Sunflower fields, Autumn leaves, Pumpkin farm, Christmas tree forest, Country park & Sandy beach.
During my photo days I hold a number of sessions at one location on the day, so I'm able to offer sessions at the reduced rates. The photoshoots below run for 30-40 mins and include 10 edited digital images which you choose from a gallery of all the best images taken during your session. Additional images may be purchased.
Prices are dependant on my travel time and location hire fee but range from £120-£195 per session for one family unit. Sessions can be extended for additional family members which will incur an additional cost. This fee includes all my editing time.